Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Early 20th Century Song lyrics

My dad was born in 1929, and his parents were born in 1900 and 1901. They sang these songs to me many times over the years, but it's been difficult to find the original lyrics:

Mr. Moon
Oh Mr. Moon, moon, bright and shiny moon
Won't you please shine down on me
Oh Mr. Moon, moon, bright and shiny moon
Come from behind that tree

My life's in danger, I've got to run
Here comes a man with a big Gatling gun

Oh Mr. Moon, moon, bright and shiny moon
Won't you please shine down on,
Please shine down on,
Please shine down on me?

Baby's Boat
Baby's boat's a silver moon
drifting in the sky
Sailing o'er a sea of blue
as the clouds roll by

Sail, baby, sail
Far across the sea
But do not forget to sail
Back again to me

The Geezer Song
There was an old geezer and he had a wooden leg
He never had tobaccy and he always had to beg
Another old geezer just as sly as a fox
and he always had tobaccy in his old tobaccy box

Said the first old geezer, would you give me a chew?
Said the second old geezer, I'll be hanged if I do
You save up your money and you save up your rocks
And you'll always have tobaccy in your old tobaccy box.

(update: I just found these lyrics online:
1. Said the guiser to the geezer, "Will you give me a pull?"
Said the geezer to the guiser, "I'll be damned if I will.
Save all your money and put it into stocks
And you'll always have tobacco in your old tobacco box."

(CHORUS) 3 lines of fiddling, then whistle the refrain

2. Said the geezer to the guiser, "Take my advice,
Go down to the river, chop a hole in the ice,
Swim down to the bottom and lie down among the rocks
And you'll never want tobacco for your old tobacco box."


Man in the Moon
I'm in love with the man in the moon
And I'm going to marry him soon
It would fill me with bliss
Just to give him one kiss
And I know that a dozen he never would miss

I'll go up in a great big balloon
To visit that man in the moon
Then behind some dark cloud
Where no one is allowed,
I'll make love with the man in the moon


Anonymous said...

Thank you for Posting this... Grey loves it when you sing that song.